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Maria Gonzalez Blog
Mindful Leadership

Meditating For Japan

Posted on by admin

Originally Posted on March 16, 2011 by admin

The entire world has been affected by the tragic events in Japan.  Many of you have asked how we can help.  One of the things we can do at a distance is Loving Kindness Practice for Japan, and its people.

As you well know from your meditation experience and the experience of meditating together, there is great power in a community of people practicing with the same intention.  Thoughts and deeds are all energy.  As a community we can choose to send loving kindness to those that are suffering, in the hope that they may experience some relief.  As we do this, of course, we too experience benefit.

In this regard, I wanted to let you know that a number of us will be meditating for Japan at 7:00am, 1:00pm and 7:30pm everyday for the foreseeable future.  If doing Loving Kindness Practice, at this time, speaks to you, please join us, so that we can create a community of intention to relieve the suffering of those most in need.  And if prayer is most significant to you at this time, please join us with your prayers.

You do not have to practice for long, although you certainly can, if you wish.  Ten minutes at a time will do.  If you are not able to do formal practice at the indicated times, maybe you could consider sending an intention of loving kindness instead and then formally sit when you are able.

If you wish to join us, please let me know and I will include you in subsequent (infrequent) communication.

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