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Maria Gonzalez Blog
Mindful Leadership

Community of Loving Kindness for Japan

Posted on by admin

Since I last wrote about doing Loving Kindness for Japan and suggesting that some people may wish to join us in meditating daily at 7:00am, 1:00pm and 7:30pm, the response has been overwhelming.  So much so that I thought the only way to respond to everyone is to post a blog.  Many of you have passed it along to friends who are also moved to contribute, in some way, to these people who have experienced and continue to experience such tragedy.  The result is that I have been inundated with questions about how to do Loving Kindness practice.  So we have now created a Community of Loving Kindness for Japan. This is a virtual community.  I am absolutely delighted by everyone’s interest and I think the easiest way to describe the practice is to do a guided meditation.  Below is a 15 minute guided meditation specifically for Japan. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful. And if you do enjoy the meditation, I hope that you will share it with others.  My aspiration is that we will form a Community far and wide.  Together we know we can make a difference.  I would also like to hear your thoughts and comments, if you care to share them.


You may also wonder what meditating for Japan has to do with Mindful Leadership which is the theme of this blog.   The answer is simple.  By watching the people of Japan we see moment by moment Mindfulness in Action.  Their presence is palpable and a gift to us all. More about Mindful Leadership in the coming days……

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