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Maria Gonzalez Blog
Mindful Leadership

Imagine if Thanksgiving Were Every Day

Posted on by admin

The one thing that distinguishes Thanksgiving from every other holiday is that most people will take a moment at some point during the day or weekend to reflect and give thanks.  And what do we experience when we do that?  We experience gratitude even if it is fleeting.  And while we feel gratitude we have a sense that all is okay at this moment and that we have more to be thankful for than we might have realized or taken the time to acknowledge.  And the effect on the body when we experience gratitude is a relaxation in that moment, an okayness in our being.

So why not live a life of gratitude, where we are thankful everyday, every moment of the day?  In order for this to happen and be sustainable we need three things:

  1. We need to be present, to be in this moment because it is only in this moment that we can acknowledge what we have in the present.
  2. We need to be aware because it is awareness that allows us to see how it feels to have what we have, to know nothing is forever and that we are not “entitled” to anything.  Everything we have is a “gift”.
  3. And we need to take the time to be grateful.  We need to take a moment to look around and be open to the beauty and blessings around us.

I wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving, filled with blessings and above all deep gratitude for those blessings.

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