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Maria Gonzalez Blog
Mindful Leadership

Being Present Means Being FULLY Engaged in Whatever You Are Doing

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To be fully present means that you are completely focused, clear and equanimous.  You are completely engaged with the present moment. There is no wanting this moment to be any different than it is.  And when that happens, you experience and witness “magic”. Your performance becomes brilliant!

Some of you may have had the pleasure of seeing Joshua Ledet perform It’s a Mans World by James Brown on American Idol.

This was one such performance. Joshua was fully engaged – so present that he was absent. There was only the activity of performing a song. And as a result it was “magical”.

Joshua who has an excellent voice, became a clear channel without interference. And when this happens we all know it. We are moved and captivated, even mesmerized.

That is how as Mindful leaders we make the greatest impact. We do our best with full presence. And by getting out of the way, meaning not engaging our egos, we let the present moment amaze us with unforeseen opportunity.

Here is the link to Joshua’s performance. If you have not previously heard it you are in for a treat.  http://earsucker.com/2012/video-joshua-ledet-performs-its-a-mans-world-on-american-idol-top-4/

I would also like to share with you another performance.  It is by Sun-bong, a young Korean boy who entered Korea’s Got Talent.  His story is dramatic and awe inspiring.  And his singing is pure presence, pure Source.  You will notice how he too is completely engaged in the “activity of singing”. This video has had more than 45 million views.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ46Ot4_lLo&feature=related

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